Monday, July 26, 2010

Birthday Party!!!

I still can't believe that Jake will be 10 years old in just a few days!!! Where does the time go? So this weekend we had his "Friend" Birthday party.  He had two friends over to spend the night.  We took them to The PlayStation in Trussville and out to eat for pizza.  They had a blast.  After a few rounds of laser tag and a competitive round of putt putt we went home for night swimming!  Michael and I made it till about 12:30 and we assumed the boys would pass out soon as well.  To our surprise we were woken up at 8 a.m. by 3 little boys would had not gone to sleep yet!!! They had stayed up ALL night long playing!  I couldn't believe it.  So, I got up, made breakfast and went down to tell them that it was ready and I found 3 little boys who were sound asleep!  Luke & Levi's parents got them at 10:00, but Jake slept until 4:30 p.m. that day.  He was exhausted! But, from his was worth it.  Here are some pictures of them finally passed out at 8:30 a.m. and a picture of his Birthday cake!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How Time Flies

Today is Michael & I's 3 year Anniversary! It really doens't seem like it has been that long.  We have done so much in so little time.  We made a wonderful family together, built a beautiful home, and have made some amazing memories!  I will never forget the first night we met.  I just knew.  Something just clicked.  And I knew then that it didn't matter what I had been through in the past, it had all led me to that moment.  And I couldn't have been happier.  Michael is a caring and thoughtful husband and the most amazing father.  I always thought I knew what I wanted, but he far exceeded my expectations!  So, here is to 3 years of wonderful memories and many more to come!


Jake has started to play golf competitively.  He has been playing for a few years now here and there.  But this summer he has played in 3 tournaments around Birmingham and will be in a 4th tournament in August.  He is doing great too! Golf isn't as easy as Tiger and Ernie make it look! Trust me! I have tried and just making contact with that little rock is hard enough.  Getting it to go where you want it is a whole other monster.  Jake is very good though.  He is such a natural athlete.  His golf coach says he has one of the best swings he has seen on a child his age.  Tiger out! :) 

Movie Night

Weekend before last we took the kids to see Despicable Me!  We all laughed until we thought we were going to cry.  It was one of the best kids movies that we have seen in a long time.  I usually tend to doze off towards the end of movies, but I was wide awake the entire time for this one.  The little Minions were too cute and absolutely just made the movie!

The kids also had a great time that weekend with their spend the night company.  They were in the pool swimming until 3:30 in the morning!!! I couldnt take it.  I crashed around 1 a.m., but Michael was a trooper.  He swam, played flashlight tag, rode scooters, and played the Wii until the Wee hours of the morning!  Needless to say they were all like zombies the next day!

Friday, July 9, 2010


Yep, that is what the kids are going to have this weekend...Fun! But really, is it any different from any other weekend?  Tonight they are having spend the night guests.  Luke, Levi, & Gracie are coming over to spend the night with Jake & Mary.  I am sure there will be some night swimming, Wii playing, scooter/bike riding, and movie watching fun going on tonight and all day tomorrow.  They always have a blast when those 3 come over! 

Saturday night Michael and I are taking them to see Despicable Me! I am looking forward to seeing that one.  The previews crack me up!!! Sunday will be a day to rest.  And trust me, we will need it. 

I am going at lunch today to pick up our pottery from this past Friday night.  I hope it turned out good.  If you don't see pictures up of it, then you will know it didn't go so well! :) 

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Paint Party!!!

Well, OK, not a paint party as in Tarps, Rollers, & Paint Samples. But a paint party none the less. Michael and Jake are going to a "Boys Only" Birthday party tonight for one of Jake's best friends and it is a Paintball Party! Jake & Michael are both going to get to do paintball for the very first time together. It guarantees to be interesting. I just wish I could go to see the action! Fingers crossed that no one shoots their eye out!!! :)

So, while the boys are getting beaten and bruised with paint, the Girls are going out to paint some pottery! There is a cute little place not too far from us where you get to pick your own piece of pottery and paint it however you like. Gracie, and Mandi (Gracie's Mom) are going with Mary and I. It should be a lot of fun.

The rest of the weekend will consist in being super lazy around the pool, grilling out some really good food, shooting/watching fireworks, and we may squeeze in some putt putt and go karts at some point! Bring on the 3 day weekend! I am so ready!!!
Have a Great 4th of July Everyone!!!